VicTape Computing era una rivista britannica pubblicata su cassetta da Argus Press Software. Era una rivista bimestrale, il primo numero fu pubblicato nel novembre / dicembre 1983 e l’ultimo numero era luglio / agosto 1985.
Gli editori erano Chris Palmer (numero 1), Chris Wyatt (numeri 2-6) e Anthony Sutton (numeri 7-11).
01 – VicTape Computing – Tape side 1
02 – VicTape Computing – Tape side 1 – Tape side 2
03 – VicTape Computing – Tape side 1 – Tape side 2
04 – VicTape Computing – Tape side 1 – Tape side 2
05 – VicTape Computing – Tape side 1 – Tape side 2
06 – VicTape Computing – Tape side 1 – Tape side 2
07 – VicTape Computing – Tape side 1 – Tape side 2
08 – VicTape Computing – Tape side 1 – Tape side 2
09 – VicTape Computing – Tape side 1 – Tape side 2
10 – VicTape Computing – Tape side 1 – Tape side 2
11 – VicTape Computing – Tape side 1 – Tape side 2
Program | Author | Requirements | Files | Info |
Introduction 1 Issue 1 (Nov-Dec 1983), Prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 1.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to issue 1. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Hunter Issue 1 (Nov-Dec 1983), Prog 2. | ? | Unexpanded | Hunter.t64 Screenshot | Steller Wars-style game. Destroy the enemy scout ships before they reach Earth’s defences. Recharge your fuel from the plasma cloud that appears when an enemy ship has been destroyed. Controls: Joystick or I (up), M (down), J (left), L (right), A (fire). |
The Big One Issue 1 (Nov-Dec 1983), Prog 3. | ? | Unexpanded | The Big One.t64 Screenshot | Utility. Gives the VIC-20 a 25×30 character screen. Controls: None. |
Multicolour Magic Issue 1 (Nov-Dec 1983), Prog 4. | ? | Unexpanded | Multicolour Magic.t64 Screenshot | Programming demo showing how to use multicolour mode. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Line Up Issue 1 (Nov-Dec 1983), Prog 5. | David Lacy | Unexpanded | Line Up.t64 Screenshot | Connect Four-style game. Two players take it in turns to put a piece in one of the numbered columns. Who will be first to complete a line of four either horizontally, vertically or diagonally? Controls: Press 1-8 to select a column for your next move. |
Vic-Res Issue 1 (Nov-Dec 1983), Prog 6. | Desmond Phillips | Unexpanded | Vic-Res.t64 Screenshot | Programming demo showing how to use hi-res graphics. Controls: None. |
Big Characters Issue 1 (Nov-Dec 1983), Prog 7. | ? | Unexpanded | Big Characters.t64 Screenshot | Programming demo showing how to use double-height characters. Controls: None. |
Defuze Issue 1 (Nov-Dec 1983), Prog 8. | ? | Unexpanded | Defuze.t64 Screenshot | Defuze nine unstable reactors in order before you run out of time, by running over the currently flashing reactor in your tractor. Do not touch the trail of radioactive dust that you leave behind you as you move. You have an air cannon that can remove the dust ahead of you three times. Controls: Z (left), X (right), ; (up), / (down), Space (remove dust). |
Wraithquest Issue 1 (Nov-Dec 1983), Prog 9. | ? | 16K expansion | Wraithquest 16K.t64 Screenshot | Graphic adventure. Battle monsters while recovering the four treasures of Almoron, which are hidden somewhere on four islands. When the treasures are recovered, take them to one of the castles to receive your reward. Play as a warlock, scholar, savage, warrior or healer. Controls: Movement: 8 (up), 2 (down), 4 (left), 6 (right), 1/3/7/9 (diagonal). Combat: H (head), B (body), L (legs), S (spell), 1 (zap spell), 2 (poof spell). |
Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 1, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 2-1.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to issue 2. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Headscratchers Club 1 Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 1, prog 2. | ? | Unexpanded | Headscratchers Club 1.t64 Screenshot | Programming demo, showing how to use control codes in PRINT statements and string variables. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Clear-Round Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 1, prog 3. | ? | Unexpanded | Clear-Round.t64 Screenshot | Show-jumping game. Control the speed of your horse to jump over the obstacles. Controls: F1 (slow down), F3 (go faster). |
Quickie Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 1, prog 4. | ? | Unexpanded | Quickie.t64 Screenshot | Small program telling you how to make keys auto-repeat. Controls: None. |
Vic-44 Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 1, prog 5. | ? | Unexpanded | Vic-44.t64 Screenshot | Text editor that lets you type on a 44-column screen. Memory restrictions mean that you are limited to ten lines of text. Controls: Type using only upper-case characters and the number keys. Press F7 to exit. |
Trailer Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 1, prog 6. | ? | Unexpanded | Trailer.t64 Screenshot | Advert for Rampage, the word processor published in issue 3. Controls: None. |
Strip ‘Em Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 1, prog 7. | ? | Unexpanded | Strip Em.t64 Screenshot | Saucy game for up to 4 players (or teams). Each player bids 1-6 points, then a ball moves along the screen. The player it stops at wins the round, while the others lose points (and their clothes). Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Adloader Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 1, prog 8. | ? | Unexpanded | Adloader.t64 Screenshot | Advert for the game Pinball Wizard by Terminal Software. Controls: None. |
Toolbox 1 Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 1, prog 9. | ? | Unexpanded | Toolbox 1.t64 Screenshot | Two small utility programs. Block-Delete will delete a given block of Basic lines. String-Search will search a program for all occurances of a given character string. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Introduction 2-2 Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 2, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 2-2.t64 Screenshot | A reminder that some of the programs on side 2 require 16K memory expansion. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Screen Dump Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 2, prog 2. | ? | Unexpanded & printer | Screen Dump.t64 Screenshot | Utility, make an accurate printout of the screen by adapting the VIC’s 8×8 character matrix to the printer’s 5*7 matrix. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Hotline Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 2, prog 3. | ? | Unexpanded | Hotline.t64 Screenshot | Game, operate a telephone switchboard and connect all the incoming calls as quickly as possible by pressing the number key for the corresponding line. Controls: Press 1-9 to connect the incoming calls. |
Address-Book Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 2, prog 4. | ? | 16K expansion | Address-Book 16K.t64 Screenshot | Simple database program that stores names & addresses on cassette via a self-modifying listing. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Move-Basic Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 2, prog 5. | ? | 16K expansion | Move-Basic 16K.t64 Screenshot | Programming tool, reserve space for user-defined characters on expanded computers by moving the screen to 7680 and the start of BASIC to 8192. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Clear-Round Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 1984), Side 2, prog 6. | ? | 16K expansion | Clear-Round 16K.t64 Screenshot | Enhanced version of the show-jumping game. Control the speed of your horse to jump over the obstacles. Controls: F1 (slow down), F3 (go faster). |
Program | Author | Requirements | Files | Info |
Introduction 3 Issue 3 (Mar-Apr 1984), Side 1, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 3.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to issue 3. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Headscratchers Club 2 Issue 3 (Mar-Apr 1984), Side 1, prog 2. | ? | Unexpanded | Headscratchers Club 2.t64 Screenshot | Programming demo, explaining how to use the POKE and PEEK commands. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Lurker Issue 3 (Mar-Apr 1984), Side 1, prog 3. | ? | Unexpanded | Lurker.t64 Screenshot | Steal gold from the hoard at the top of the screen and put it in your loot box at the bottom of the screen, while avoiding the monster. Controls: Z (left), X (right), F5 (up), F7 (down). |
Morse-Code Issue 3 (Mar-Apr 1984), Side 1, prog 4. | Roy Butler | Unexpanded | Morse-Code.t64 Screenshot | Morse code tutor that uses a range of techniques to help you practice Morse code with letters, numbers and words. A mistake & correction for this program was discussed in Kokup Korner (issue 4). Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Toolbox 2 Issue 3 (Mar-Apr 1984), Side 1, prog 5. | ? | Unexpanded | Toolbox 2.t64 Screenshot | Two routines demonstrating how to save areas of memory that are protected from Basic. Datamaker converts the given block into Data statements that can be saved in the normal way. Blocksave saves the memory block as a binary file. A slightly different version of Datamaker was published in issue 4. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Morris and the Computer Factory (aka Chris’s Computer-Factory) Issue 3 (Mar-Apr 1984), Side 1, prog 6. | ? | Unexpanded | Morris.t64 Screenshot | Frogger-style game. Guide Morris through the gaps in the platforms so he can become a processor in a VIC-20. Controls: A (up), Z (down). |
Merger Issue 3 (Mar-Apr 1984), Side 1, prog 7. | Jim Butterfield | Unexpanded | Merger.t64 Screenshot | Programming routine. Instructions for merging two Basic programs together. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Return Call 1 Issue 3 (Mar-Apr 1984), Side 1, prog 8. | ? | Unexpanded | Return Call 1.t64 Screenshot | Reader’s letters. Including: Clear-Round crashes (issue 2), and feedback on the programs from issue 1. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Super Morse Issue 3 (Mar-Apr 1984), Side 2, prog 1. | Roy Butler | 16K expansion | Super Morse 16K.t64 Screenshot | Enhanced version of the Morse code tutor, with a larger vocabulary. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Assembler (aka CHUG) Issue 3 (Mar-Apr 1984), Side 2, prog 2. | ? | 16K expansion | Assembler 16K.t64 Screenshot | A mnemonic assembler & disassembler for writing your own machine code programs. Enter your source code into lines 1000 onwards, with one instruction per line and all values in decimal. An updated version Super CHUG was published in issue 11. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Rampage Issue 3 (Mar-Apr 1984), Side 2, prog 3. | ? | 16K expansion | Rampage 16K.t64 Screenshot | Word processor that scrolls on a huge 64*58 virtual screen. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Program | Author | Requirements | Files | Info |
Introduction 4-1 Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 1, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 4-1.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to issue 4. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Headscratchers Club 3 Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 1, prog 2. | ? | Unexpanded | Headscratchers Club 3.t64 Screenshot | Programming demo explaining what binary numbers are, why they are important, and how logical operators work. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Pothole Pacer Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 1, prog 3. | ? | Unexpanded | Pothole Pacer.t64 Screenshot | Escape MCP-style maze game. Navigate your way to the pothole (*) while avoiding the deadly slayer, who can walk through walls. Controls: < (left), > (right), F5 (up), F7 (down). |
Karakta Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 1, prog 4. | ? | Unexpanded | Karakta.t64 Screenshot | Character designer. Produce up to 60 user-defined graphic characters, designing them four characters at a time on a 2×2 grid. Controls: L (draw left), R (draw right), U (draw up), D (draw down), Shift+L/R/U/D (erase in that direction), F1 (set pixel), F3 (erase pixel), CLR (clear screen), Home (home cursor), Ctrl+RVS (invert video), Ctrl+OFF (normal video), F7 (store characters), Arrow Left (exit program). Note: Use Datamaker to convert your graphics into DATA statements. |
Advert Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 1, prog 5. | ? | Unexpanded | Advert.t64 Screenshot | Non-playable demo of the game Gridtrap by Sumlock Microware. Controls: None. |
Datamaker Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 1, prog 6. | ? | Unexpanded | Datamaker.t64 Screenshot | Slightly different version of Datamaker from Toolbox 2 (issue 3). Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Introduction 4-2 Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 2, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 4-2.t64 Screenshot | A reminder that some of the programs on side 2 require 16K memory expansion. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Interlox Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 2, prog 2. | ? | Unexpanded | Interlox.t64 Screenshot | Noughts and crosses game played on four interlocking squares, for 1 or 2 players. Make as many lines of three as possible, while blocking the computer from doing the same. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Toolbox 3 Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 2, prog 3. | ? | Unexpanded | Toolbox 3.t64 Screenshot | Two programming utilities. Append joins two programs together, where the line numbers in the second program are greater than those in the first one. Renumber changes line numbers only, not GOTOs and other branches. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Return Call 2 Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 2, prog 4. | ? | Unexpanded | Return Call 2.t64 Screenshot | Reader’s letters. Including: load routines, printer problems, and a possible bug in Clear-Round (issue 2). Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Kokup Korner Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 2, prog 5. | ? | Unexpanded | Kokup Korner.t64 Screenshot | Mistakes in Morse-Code (issue 3). Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Project 1 Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 2, prog 6. | E J Butler | 16K expansion | Project1 16K.t64 Screenshot | Hardware project. Step-by-step instructions to build your own light pen. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
White Line Warrior Issue 4 (May-Jun 1984), Side 2, prog 7. | ? | 16K expansion | White Line Warrior 16K.t64 Screenshot | Tron-style game. A fleet of Red-Axel fighters are on their way to infiltrate the ‘Spaze’ in the Earth’s core. You must reform the While Line Warriors and retrain to defend against their attack. Use your space chariot to make 40 turns without hitting your exhaust stream or the edge of the screen. A sequel Spaze Battle was published in issue 5. Controls: Z (left), X (right), ; (up), / (down). |
Program | Author | Requirements | Files | Info |
Introduction 5-1 Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 1, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 5-1.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to issue 5. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Headscratchers Club 4 Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 1, prog 2. | ? | Unexpanded | Headscratchers Club 4.t64 Screenshot | Programming tutorial, describing how to use the VIC-20’s four ‘voices’ to produce a diverse range of sound effects and musical notes. Includes ‘Music Editor’ that can be used to compose tunes, which converts notes into DATA statements. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Pennies From Heaven Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 1, prog 3. | Roy Butler | Unexpanded | Pennies From Heaven.t64 Screenshot | Catch the coins as they fall from the top of the screen. Each coin that you collect adds to your score, and you lose points for each coin that you miss. The game ends if your score falls to 0. Controls: Lightpen or , (left), . (right). |
Basicode-2 Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 1, prog 4. | Nigel Deeley | Unexpanded | Basicode-2.t64 Screenshot | A review of Basicode-2, a computer-independent programming system, that was written entirely on a BBC B computer. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Colourama (aka Multicol) Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 1, prog 5. | ? | Unexpanded | Colourama.t64 Screenshot | Character designer. Produce up to 60 user-defined multi-colour graphic characters, designing them four characters at a time on a 2×2 grid. Controls: Cursor keys (move), F1 (set as foreground col), F3 (set as background col), F5 (set as border col), F7 (set as auxilliary col), S (store graphic data), Arrow Left (exit program). Note: Use Datamaker (issue 4) to convert your graphics data into DATA statements. |
Advert Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 1, prog 6. | E J Butler | Unexpanded | Advert.t64 Screenshot | Advert, another opportunity to order the lightpen from issue 4. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Vegas Gambler Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 1, prog 7. | Roy Butler | Unexpanded | Vegas Gambler.t64 Screenshot | Fruit machine game. Starting with 25 credits, will you break the bank or lose it all? Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Toolbox 4 Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 1, prog 8. | ? | Unexpanded | Toolbox 4.t64 Screenshot | Programming tutorial, how to use hardware IRQ interrupts. Includes a utility program Funkey, that lets you assign commands to the function keys. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Return Call 3 Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 1, prog 9. | ? | Unexpanded | Return Call 3.t64 Screenshot | Reader’s letters. Including: magazine feedback, requests for Super Expander programs, and cheating on Morris and the Computer Factory (issue 3). Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Introduction 5-2 Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 2, prog 1. | ? | 16K expansion | Intro 5-2 16K.t64 Screenshot | A reminder that all of the programs on side 2 require 16K memory expansion. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Test-Match Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 2, prog 2. | Andrew Brindle | 16K expansion | Test-Match 16K.t64 Screenshot | Cricket game. You control the batsmen while the computer controls the fielders. Use the function keys to determine the type of stroke you play, depending on the bowler’s speed. Each innings lasts for 40 overs. Controls: For each stroke, select your batting strength with the function keys: F1 (defensive shot)-F7 (wild slog). |
Introduction to Electronics: Resistance Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 2, prog 3. | Roy Butler | 16K expansion | Intro Electronics 16K.t64 Screenshot | Looking at resistors. What resistance is, working out values, and Ohm’s Law calculations for various types of circuit. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Spaze-Battle Issue 5 (Jul-Aug 1984), Side 2, prog 4. | ? | 16K expansion | Spaze-Battle 16K.t64 Screenshot | Scramble-style game, sequel to White Line Warrior (issue 4). The Imperial fighters have infiltrated the ‘Spaze’ at the Earth’s core. Ram into the motherships while avoiding the Axel Fighters. Controls: F5 (up), F7 (down). |
Program | Author | Requirements | Files | Info |
Introduction 6-1 Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 1984), Side 1, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 6-1.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to issue 6. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Headscratchers Club 5 Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 1984), Side 1, prog 2. | ? | Unexpanded | Headscratchers Club 5.t64 Screenshot | Programming tutorial, giving a detailed look at how the high-resolution cover image for this issue was produced. Includes ‘Grafix Editor’, a program that lets you draw hi-res pictures on a 64×64 pixel block. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Hop-Line Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 1984), Side 1, prog 3. | Roy Butler | Unexpanded | Hop-Line.t64 Screenshot | Frogger-style game. Guide your frog to the top of the screen. Stick to the moving black pathways, as landing on a white part of the screen will cause instant death. Controls: Lightpen or , (left), . (right), F3 (up one space), F5 (down one space), F1 (up two spaces), F7 (down two spaces). |
The Zero Board Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 1984), Side 1, prog 4. | ? | Unexpanded | Zero Board.t64 Screenshot | Review of the 40/80 Column Card by Zero Electronics. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Toolbox 5 Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 1984), Side 1, prog 5. | ? | Unexpanded | Toolbox 5.t64 Screenshot | Assorted hints and tips for programmers. Disable memory expansion with removing the cartridge, slow-list a program, adding control codes to filenames, accessing CPU registers from BASIC, disable the Run/Stop key, change the cursor colour, reading the CBM, Shift and Ctrl keys, testing for other keypresses, simulating structured programming, making programs modify themselves, and disabling the SAVE and LIST commands. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Indi-500 Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 1984), Side 1, prog 6. | Roy Butler | Unexpanded | Indi-500.t64 Screenshot | Car racing game. Try to drive as far as possible without crashing into the other cars. Controls: , (left), . (right), F1 (faster), F7 (slower). |
Crossed Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 1984), Side 1, prog 7. | Gordon Lawson | Unexpanded | Crossed.t64 Screenshot | Demo program. Displays some animations and graphic effects, plays a tune, and plays some sound effects. Controls: None. |
Return Call 4 Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 1984), Side 2, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Return Call 4.t64 Screenshot | Reader’s letters. Including: using Chug (issue 3), modifying Merger (issue 3), and halving the speed of the belts in Morris and the Computer Factory (issue 3). Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Introduction 6-2 Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 1984), Side 2, prog 2. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro16.t64 Screenshot | A reminder that the rest of the programs on this side require 16K memory expansion. Controls: None. |
Quick-Draw Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 1984), Side 2, prog 3. | ? | 16K expansion | Quick-Draw 16K.t64 Screenshot | Graphics utility. Draw a design on screen using the standard keyboard controls and graphic symbols, and then save it as a BASIC listing for use in your own programs. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Data-Comms Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 1984), Side 2, prog 4. | Roy Butler | 16K expansion | Data-Comms 16K.t64 Screenshot | An explanation of electronic communications that covers serial & parallel communication, simplex, half duplex and full duplex data channels, RS232 interfaces, ASCII codes, parity bits, baud rates, and modems. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Program | Author | Requirements | Files | Info |
Introduction 7 Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 1, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 7.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to issue 7. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Hangman Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 1, prog 2. | Roger & Neville Attkins | Unexpanded | Hangman.t64 Screenshot | Hangman game for two players. The hangman types a secret word for the highwayman to work out. Each incorrect letter builds another part of the gallows. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Headscratchers Club 6 Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 1, prog 3. | ? | Unexpanded | Headscratchers Club 6.t64 Screenshot | Programming tutorial, how to read the keyboard and joystick. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Guess the Animal Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 1, prog 4. | Bill Cook | Unexpanded | Guess the Animal.t64 Screenshot | Think of an animal, and the computer will ask questions to work out what kind of animal it is. You can teach the program to ask more questions about different animals. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Machine Code 1 Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 1, prog 5. | ? | Unexpanded | Machine Code 1.t64 Screenshot | Programming tutorial about machine code programming. Discusses memory locations, processor registers, number bases and mnemonics. Includes a quiz to test your knowledge. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Pontoon Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 1, prog 6. | R Tyson | Unexpanded | Pontoon.t64 Screenshot | Card game. You start with two cards and must decide whether to twist (take another card) or stick (keep your current hand). Try to get the highest total that you can without exceeding 21. Controls: S (stick), T (twist). |
Toolbox 6 Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 1, prog 7. | ? | Unexpanded | Toolbox 6.t64 Screenshot | Three utilities for programmers: Keyboard Bleep (beep when a key is pressed), Large Screen (gives you a 32×26 screen), and Screen Scroll (scrolls the large screen). Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Return Call 5 Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 2, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Return Call 5.t64 Screenshot | Reader’s letters. Including: adventure games, requesting VicTape on disk, and how to stop people breaking into programs. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Preview Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 2, prog 2. | ? | Unexpanded | Preview.t64 Screenshot | A preview of what will be appearing on issue 8. Controls: None. |
Basic Dictionary 1 Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 2, prog 3. | ? | Unexpanded | Basic Dictionary 1.t64 Screenshot | Explaining the following BASIC commands: CONT, LOAD, LIST, NEW, RUN, SAVE, VERIFY. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Slalom Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 2, prog 4. | Andrew Brindle | 16K expansion | Slalom 16K.t64 Screenshot | Guide your skier between the flags without hitting the trees. Controls: < (left), > (right). |
The Crypt Issue 7 (Nov-Dec 1984), Side 2, prog 5. | K Bing Taylor | 16K expansion | The Crypt 16K.t64 Solution Screenshot | Text adventure inspired by various classic films. You must explore the mansion, find the crypt and kill the evil vampire. Controls: Enter commands using two words, e.g. GO NORTH. Type WORDS to display a full list of commands. |
Program | Author | Requirements | Files | Info |
Introduction 8 Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 8.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to issue 8. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Return Call 6 Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 2. | ? | Unexpanded | Return Call 6.t64 Screenshot | Reader’s letters. Including: feedback on the magazine’s title screen, and requesting how to use the VIC-20 to best advantage. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Xmas Games Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 3. | ? | Unexpanded | Xmas Games.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to the six Xmas games in this issue. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Quassy Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 4. | Gordon Mather | Unexpanded | Quassy.t64 Screenshot | Quasimodo game. Rescue the damsel by going up the elevator and then jumping over the arrows as you run along the wall. Controls: Joystick or : (left), ; (right), Space (jump). |
Contact Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 5. | F Shepherd | Unexpanded | Contact.t64 Screenshot | Connect Four-style game. Two players take it in turns to put a piece in one of the numbered columns. Who will be first to complete a line of four either horizontally, vertically or diagonally? Controls: 1-7 (drop ball into that column). |
Griddion Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 6. | ? | Unexpanded | Griddion.t64 Screenshot | Pac Man-style game. Eat as many dots as you can while avoiding the monsters. NOTE: This games works best with 3K memory expansion, otherwise you may get ‘out of memory’ errors when playing. Controls: A (left), S (right), W (up), Z (down). |
Deathstar Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 7. | ? | Unexpanded | Deathstar.t64 Screenshot | Vertically-scrolling space game with four levels. Dodge the incoming enemy ships to reach the death star. Controls: A or J (left), D or L (right). |
Invader Fall Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 8. | ? | Unexpanded | Invader Fall.t64 Screenshot | Space Invaders-style game. Alien ships descend vertically from the top of the screen. How many can you shoot before you are overrun? Controls: : (left), ; (right), A (fire). |
Moto Race Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 9. | Mark Riley | Unexpanded | Moto Race.t64 Screenshot | Vertically-scrolling car race. How far can you drive down the winding road without crashing? Controls: I (left), P (right). |
Machine Code 2 Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 10. | ? | Unexpanded | Machine Code 2.t64 Screenshot | Programming tutorial about machine code programming. Discusses addressing modes. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Toolbox 7 Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 11. | ? | Unexpanded | Toolbox 7.t64 Screenshot | A machine code disassembler. Note: This program is corrupt, certain mnemonics trigger a syntax error. It is provided only for completeness. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Basic Dictionary 2 Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 1, prog 12. | ? | Unexpanded | Basic Dictionary 2.t64 Screenshot | Explaining the following BASIC commands: CLR, DATA, END, READ. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Haunted Manor Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 2, prog 1. | Alistair Duncan | 16K expansion | Haunted Manor 16K.t64 Solution Screenshot | Text adventure. You must find ten treasures that are hidden inside a haunted mansion. Controls: Enter two word commands. Typing VERBS will display a list of all commands. |
Xmas Carols Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 2, prog 2. | Andrew Brindle | 16K expansion | Xmas Carols 16K.t64 Screenshot | Music program, plays nine traditional Christmas songs with a festive picture for each one. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
User File Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 2, prog 3. | ? | 16K expansion | User File 16K.t64 Screenshot | Cassette-based database filing system. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
End Issue 8 (Jan-Feb 1985), Side 2, prog 4. | ? | 16K expansion | End 16K.t64 Screenshot | Displays a brief message at the end of the tape. Controls: None. |
Introduction 9 Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 1, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 9.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to issue 9. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Tin Fish Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 1, prog 2. | Terry Flood | Unexpanded | Tin Fish.t64 Screenshot | Swim to the ship to place your mine, then return to your submarine. You are safe among the crabs, jellyfish and octopi, but do not touch the robot fish. Controls: Arrow Left (left), 1 (right), F1 (up), F3 (down), F7 (start new game), * (go to next page). |
The Sacred Crosses of Hell Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 1, prog 3. | Terry Flood | Unexpanded | Sacred Crosses.t64 Screenshot | Recover all four sacred crosses from the top of the screen, but do not touch the walls or the demons. Controls: Define your own keys. |
Swarm Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 1, prog 4. | Terry Flood | Unexpanded | Swarm.t64 Screenshot | Eat the fly and avoid the swarm of bees. Controls: Arrow Left (left), 1 (right), F1 (up), F3 (down). |
Machine Code 3 Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 1, prog 5. | ? | Unexpanded | Machine Code 3.t64 Screenshot | Programming tutorial about machine code programming. Discusses flags and registers. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
The Derby Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 1, prog 6. | David Leighton | Unexpanded | The Derby.t64 Screenshot | Gambling game. Bet on one of six horses You will break the bookies if you win £150. Controls: Enter the horse and amount for each bet. |
Return Call 7 Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 1, prog 7. | ? | Unexpanded | Return Call 7.t64 Screenshot | Reader’s letters. Including: programs that use more than 23 lines, and running Test Match (issue 5) with 8K expansion. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Input/Output Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 1, prog 8. | ? | Unexpanded | Input.t64 Screenshot | Programming tutorial, looking at using the cassette deck. Includes a tape index program. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Red Balloons Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 1, prog 9. | Thompson | Unexpanded | Red Balloons.t64 Screenshot | Each balloon has a letter hidden beneath it, which is revealed when you hit it with your conker. You have sixty seconds to burst the balloons in alphabetical order beginning with A. Controls: Joystick or < (left), > (right), Q (up), A (down). |
Signal Box Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 1, prog 10. | Thompson | Unexpanded | Signal Box.t64 Screenshot | Send one train into each of the nine sidings. Change the points on each junction to direct the trains onto the required tracks. Controls: 1-9 (turn that point on or off). |
End Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 1, prog 11. | ? | Unexpanded | End.t64 Screenshot | Displays a brief message at the end of side 1, reminding users that the programs on side 2 require 16K memory expansion. Controls: None. |
The Pools Collector Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 2, prog 1. | J H Thompson | 16K expansion | Pools Collector 16K.t64 Screenshot | You must collect the pools money from a block of 36 flats, with 6 flats on each of 6 floors. Not everybody does the pools, and some people do not have the right change. Can you juggle which flats haven’t yet paid, and work out the correct change for each person? Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Hi-Draw Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 2, prog 2. | M Howarth | 16K expansion | Hi-Draw 16K.t64 Screenshot | High-resolution drawing program. Controls: Joystick or W (up), X (down), A (left), D (right), Q/E/Z/C (diagonal), F1 (draw), F3 (erase), F8 (clear), S (stop). |
Nemesis Pt1 Issue 9 (Mar-Apr 1985), Side 2, prog 3. | Robert Lappin | 16K expansion | Nemesis Pt1 16K.t64 Solution Screenshot | Graphical text adventure. Dr Katz and his daughter Cerra have been kidnapped and taken to Nemesis, located somewhere in the Amazon. In part 1 of this game, you must find the secret entrance to Nemesis. Part 2 was published in issue 10. Controls: Enter two word commands. |
Program | Author | Requirements | Files | Info |
Introduction 10 Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 1, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 10.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to issue 10. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Quast Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 1, prog 2. | Mark Riley | Unexpanded | Quast.t64 Screenshot | Quasimodo game. Dodge the obstacles as you run across the wall to ring the bell. Controls: : (left), ; (right), Space (jump). |
Buggy Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 1, prog 3. | Mark Riley | Unexpanded | Buggy.t64 Screenshot | Use your buggy to fill in the holes that appear in the ground, while avoiding the falling missiles. Controls: : (left), ; (right), Space (fill in). |
Whirley Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 1, prog 4. | Mark Riley | Unexpanded | Whirley.t64 Screenshot | Land your helicopter on the back of the moving lorry, avoiding the stars as you descend. Controls: : (left), ; (right). |
Coin Pot Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 1, prog 5. | Mark Riley | Unexpanded | Coin Pot.t64 Screenshot | Fruit machine game. Spin the reels and try to win as much money as you can. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Bomb Scare Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 1, prog 6. | Mark Riley | Unexpanded | Bomb Scare.t64 Screenshot | Grid Trap-style game. Try to defuze as many bombs as you can without touching the trail that appears behind you. Controls: I (left), P (right), Q (up), Z (down). |
City Saver Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 1, prog 7. | Mark Riley | Unexpanded | City Saver.t64 Screenshot | Protect the city by catching the bombs. NOTE: This program is corrupt and/or incomplete, it displays the game screen but cannot be played. It is provided only for completeness. Controls: : (left), ; (right). |
Machine Code 4 Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 1, prog 8. | ? | Unexpanded | Machine Code 4.t64 Screenshot | Programming tutorial about machine code programming. How to perform arithmetic calculations. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Return Call 8 Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 1, prog 9. | ? | Unexpanded | Return Call 8.t64 Screenshot | Reader’s letters. This month, an animated letter. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Yahtsee Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 1, prog 10. | ? | Unexpanded | Yahtsee.t64 Screenshot | Yahtzee-style dice game for 1-3 players. Roll five dice, decide which ones to keep, and try to make the best hand possible in each category. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Brick It Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 1, prog 11. | ? | Unexpanded | Brick It.t64 Screenshot | Breakout-style game. Destroy the bricks using your bat and ball. Controls: L (left), ; (right). |
Turbo Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 2, prog 1. | ? | 16K expansion | Turbo 16K.t64 Screenshot | Tape turbo loading system. Load, save and verify tape programs approx 6 times faster. Only programs saved with this system can be loaded with it. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
The Renumber Program Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 2, prog 2. | Derek Smith | 16K expansion | Renumber 16K.t64 Screenshot | Renumber the line numbers in your BASIC programs, up to 15K in size. It updates the line numbers after GOTO, GOSUB and THEN commands, but not multiple line numbers after the ON command. Controls: Load the second part of the program, enter the line renumbering details, load the program to be renumbered, type SYS21000, and wait until Ready appears. |
Nemesis Pt2 Issue 10 (May-Jun 1985), Side 2, prog 3. | Robert Lappin | 16K expansion | Nemesis Pt2 16K.t64 Solution Screenshot | Graphical text adventure, continuing from part 1 (issue 9). Dr Katz and his daughter Cerra have been kidnapped and taken to Nemesis, located somewhere in the Amazon. In part 2 of this game, you must find Cerra and rescue her. Controls: Enter two word commands. |
Program | Author | Requirements | Files | Info |
Introduction 11-1 Issue 11 (Jul-Aug 1985), Side 1, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 11-1.t64 Screenshot | Introduction to issue 11. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Card Dealer Issue 11 (Jul-Aug 1985), Side 1, prog 2. | Lewis-Pearson | Unexpanded | Card Dealer.t64 Screenshot | Card game. Four cards are delt face down, and you must bet that the next card will be higher or lower than the last one. Controls: F1 (bet), F7 (reveal first card), H (higher), L (lower). If you lose, hit any key and then press Y to play again. |
Mine-Field Issue 11 (Jul-Aug 1985), Side 1, prog 3. | James Hume | Unexpanded | Mine-Field.t64 Screenshot | You must deliver twenty messages to isolated houses hidden in a minefield. You only have 150 seconds in which to complete your mission. More mines appear after each delivery, making the minefield increasingly difficult to navigate. Controls: Joystick or Z (left), X (right), ] (up), ? (down). |
Chopper Run Issue 11 (Jul-Aug 1985), Side 1, prog 4. | Terry Flood | Unexpanded | Chopper Run.t64 Screenshot | Cross between Scramble and Blitz. Destroy all the buildings so that you can land your helicopter, while avoiding the enemy missiles that are trying to shoot you down. Controls: D (up), C (down), F1 (fire bullets), F3 (drop bomb), Shift Lock (fly silent). |
Letter Issue 11 (Jul-Aug 1985), Side 1, prog 5. | Terry Flood | Unexpanded | Letter.t64 Screenshot | Reader’s letter. Playing Sacred Crosses (issue 9) on the unexpanded VIC-20. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Rocket Dock Issue 11 (Jul-Aug 1985), Side 1, prog 6. | ? | Unexpanded | Rocket Dock.t64 Screenshot | Dock your rocket with the mothership without hitting any asteroids. Controls: A (left), D (right), F1 (thrust). |
Introduction 11-2 Issue 11 (Jul-Aug 1985), Side 2, prog 1. | ? | Unexpanded | Intro 11-2.t64 Screenshot | A reminder that the remaining programs on side 2 require 16K expansion. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Super CHUG Issue 11 (Jul-Aug 1985), Side 2, prog 2. | ? | 16K expansion | Super CHUG 16K.t64 Screenshot | An improved and expanded version of the CHUG assembler from issue 3. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Treasure Island Issue 11 (Jul-Aug 1985), Side 2, prog 3. | Chris Darbyshire | 16K expansion | Treasure Island 16K.t64 Solution Screenshot | Text adventure. Starting on Skull Island, you must travel to Treasure Island to find the lost treasure of Eternia. You can only carry one object at a time. Controls: Enter two word commands. The following commands can be used: read, say, go north, go east, go west, go south, kill, get, list, open, drop, board, fire, climb, dig, pull, enter, move, smash, follow. |
Elements Issue 11 (Jul-Aug 1985), Side 2, prog 4. | J H Thompson | 16K expansion | Chemical Elements 16K.t64 Screenshot | Chemistry tool. Display or look-up information about various elements, such as their name, symbol and atomic number. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |