DirMaster – Creare convertire e gestire i file .D64

DirMaster è un programma che nasce per la gestione dei files del Commodore 64 ma che funziona anche per i files del Commodore VIC 20 essendo i supporti compatibili. Si parla dei file importati dai supporti originali e salvati con estensioni del tipo: .D64, .D81 .T64, ecc ed anche i formati compressi ad esempio: Arc. Sda. lnx, ecc.
Il programma DirMaster gira anche sotto Windows 10, ignorare l’allarme.

Tra le diverse funzioni possibili si segnala la possibilità di convertire in .prg il contenuto dei dischi virtuali .D64 e .T64

Qui puoi scaricare il programma

Qui le altre funzioni


  • disk image support: .d64, .d71, .d81, .d80, .d82, .d1m, .d2m, .d4m, .dhd, .hdd (read only), .dnp, .dfi, .m2i (read only), .t64, .g64 (read only), .nib (read only)
  • file support: .prg/.p00, .seq/.s00, .usr/.u00, .rel/.r00
  • archive support: .arc, .sda, .lnx, .sfx, .ark, .lbr, .spy, .cvt, .wr3, zip/4 (1!…, 2!…, etc)
  • Windows Explorer integration:
    • file associations/icons
    • file preview panel
    • right click to extract image/.archive contents
  • all the usual directory editing capabilities like sorting, block size change/correction, file type change, lock, splat, etc…
  • most functions activated by keyboard equivalents, including file reordering and filename editing
  • multi-level undo
  • pervasive drag and drop:
    • copy one or more files from one image to another
    • copy files between different image formats (e.g. d64 to d81, dfi to d71, etc)
    • move/reorder files on the same disk by dragging them
    • drag and drop files from disk images to the OS file system
    • drag and drop files from the file system onto disk images
  • multiselection with shift+click & ctrl+click; many operations will work on the entire selection
  • invoke your favorite emulator or other external application (up to eight slots) from within DirMaster to run/process a file or disk
  • sub directory and partition support for relevant formats (d81, d1m, d2m, d4m, dnp)
  • save disk images as a .txt, .csv (with optional MD5 hash per file), .bmp, .png, .rtf. and .html
  • visual BAM mode with track/sector view/edit (hex and PETSCII)
  • support for the most common error and extended disk extensions
  • decompress archives directly from open disk images with one key click
  • support for GEOS file types (new: GeoPaint/GeoPhotoAlbum viewers, GeoWrite to seq conversion)
  • built in viewers for Commodore file types including raw binary (disassembly and hex viewers), SEQ files, REL files, BASIC listings (v2.0 and v7.0), character sets, and many popular image formats
  • recursive find: search your disk image collection with * and ? wildcards; save results to a file
  • batch processing: recursively create .txt, .csv, .bmp, .png, .rtf. and .html or extract to prg/seq files
  • batch processing: send extracted files to an external script/executable
  • experimental OpenCBM support
  • print directory listings for disk envelopes; two sided directory printing
  • maintain your own favorite ‘separators’: drag and drop them onto your disk image
  • disk forensics:
    • check for cross links
    • list the sector chain for each file, as well as a list of free chains (potentially recoverable deleted files)
    • compare two disks at a sector by sector level
  • customizable palettes; defaults to the “Pepto” palette but can use any .vpl (VICE) format palette file

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