
Buon sabato Vic-Commando, oggi demo musica. Il Vic-20 non ha il SID, ma si difende bene, comunque.Trovo geniale il progetto di questo programma che legge i file del FamiTracker e li esegue sul Vic20.
Molto interessante per chi fa musica, provare anche questi programmi che vengono sviluppati oggi per il nostro amato Vic20.
Vi lascio il link al progetto: https://github.com/ThePhotoChemist/Fami2Vic
Oltre a questo vi lascio il d64 con i due brani dei video.
Buon ascolto. Marco Bergomi.

Software to convert FamiTracker .txt exports to a playable PRG on a VIC-20

I just slapped this thing together not too long ago, so the python script will probably fail on most other txt exports from FamiTracker. I will continue working with other files to identify problems along the way. Mind the dust!

To use:

$python fami2vic.py “/path/to/text/file.txt”

The script will spit out ASM source that can be compiled in CBM Studio.

The compiled PRG file of “Wily’s Castle 2” is included in the repo, and can be loaded on to a VIC-20 with an sd2iec, etc. It requires an 8k RAM expansion to function properly.

Many thanks goes to Aleksi Eeben, for publishing his code for 10-bit oscillator resolution. Without his work, the music from this script would sound about 500 times worse.

Il link al progetto: https://github.com/ThePhotoChemist/Fami2Vic

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