Scored my first Commodore Vic 20! Pubblicato il 18 Gennaio 202118 Gennaio 2021 di alex Post Views: 562 I bought my first Vic 20 from a yard sale and cleaned and repaired it. Let’s learn about the basics of the Vic20 and how it works. We will look at some cartridge based games and the cassette recorder used to load and save programs. Share on FacebookTweetFollow us Potrebbe interessarti: More than 32 Basic Programs for the VIC 20 50 Simple Ready to Run VIC-20 Commodore VIC 20 restoration and exploration Penultimate Cartridge For The Commodore VIC 20 + Quick VIC Intro Commodore VIC 20 restoration, recapping and keyboard repair Commodore VIC 20 cartdridge – Download recensioni e gioca on line! Commodore VIC 20 recupero e restauro